How to Choose A Great Niche To Blog About

How to Choose A Great Niche To Blog About

The world of Web 2.0 describes the current paradigm in Internet living. In Web 2.0, people can literally have a home and a life online. They can create virtual identities, with faux names and homes, that can interact with other identities and reach out to other people. In the world of Web 2.0, people can chat across country borders, make friends across continents, and even bridge whole cultural divides.

Blogging is a popular and interesting aspect of Web 2.0. A blog is simply an online diary of anyone who wants to express his or her opinions, tell everyone about his or her day, or post pictures, videos, or audio files. Blog technology is now being used in various websites. Some companies use blog technology to inform their clients about their latest offerings, journalists use blogs to make reports straight from the field, and even scientists use blogs to talk about their latest findings or answer questions on their chosen fields.

Blog technology has also spawned niche blogging, a technique that not only informs a great number of people on a great number of specific things, but also earns a great number of writers and researchers quite a decent living to do and maintain. Niche blogs, as per the name, are blogs that contain articles that focus exclusively on a specific and popular subject, or a sub-section of that subject. For instance, there are technology blogs that allow technology experts to give reviews on different gadgets and machines; a technology niche blog might cater to people who use cellular phones, play video games, or own robotic dogs.

There is money to be had in a good niche blog. Because of the extreme focus of the blog, it comes built in with its own market. Much in the same way that brick-and-mortar publishers regard a good non-fiction book. And because a niche blog comes with its own market, there is no need for a niche blogs marketing team to define that market: all they need to do is approach companies that cater to the needs of the niche blogs market, offer these companies advertising space, and ask for a fee.

Writers can also earn a lot from niche blogs. Most niche blog administrators will have a good deal of money left over from advertising after the web hosting and domain name bills are paid. This money can be used to pay writers to write individual articles for the blog. On the other hand, if you are a writer who is interested in putting up a niche blog, you can earn money from the advertising fees that you demand, and all you need to do is keep writing.

Whether you own the blog or write for one, you will need a few techniques in choosing what kind of niche blog you want to carve into the online arena. How do you know which topic you should write for? First, look at your resume: what do you specialize in, not only in terms of studies, but experience? For instance, you could have studied genetics in college, but you might have had a part time job as a secretary or data encoder. If you know what you are writing about, and if you enjoy the topic, you will most certainly write better articles.

The key to having a great niche blog is to have extremely focused content, where all the articles center on the single topic, with only a few articles catering to the general topic under which the niche blog falls. The best niche blogs also focus on unique materials that have a large audience. Some niche blogs operate on feeds from search engines or news sites, but visitors frequent niche blogs that have articles that have not been published elsewhere. If you plan to put up a niche blog, look for a topic that has scarcely been covered online, but is interesting. Plan all article topics around that focused topic, and make sure that you have as many unique articles as possible.

You can also add affiliate programs to your niche blog. A good program like Google’s AdSense can provide ads that are directly related to the topic of your niche blog. Each time your web visitors click on an ad, you can get extra earnings. Many niche blog creators prefer using AdSense, as it can cater directly to the niche blogs market.

There are many ways to determine what topic you can blog about or make a niche blog for, and there are many ways to earn money from your niche blog. Your earning power rests on the focus of your blog and its uniqueness. If you can play both these with a good hand and all your creativity, then you can look at a bigger bank account in no time.

About Jason Oickle

Jason Oickle is from Halifax, Canada, and has been a full-time Internet Marketer since 2006. He is also known as a Blogger, as well as a developer doing most of the development for his own membership sites and apps.

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  1. I really enjoyed the advice on targeting your blogs on niches. I’m a bit of a blog farmer, and I use this tactic, a lot. Thank you for the great article! Can you write an article on how you get the turing number on your comments? I have a lot of Russians spamming my blogs, with tractor ads…sigh…

    Best Wishes,
    Jeff Davis Award Winning Copywriter

    • For niche, I would suggest first you should define your objectives. you should also have the niche know-how / Domain expertise. I guess in most of the cases advertisement is the only purpose of blogger. So choose the niche where you have chance to get good number of visitors all the day. Since I am technical person I’ll choose software development or web development as my primary blogging niche.


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    Web 2.0 is not a new technology or a new set of rules. Web 2.0 is an idea. At the heart of Web 2.0 is the idea that the Web is a platform. Not an advertising platform, but a platform where users control their own data and from which scalable services are offered. Web 2.0 is about services rather than packaged software and it is about offerings compatible with many devices (mobile phones, portable gaming consoles, different internet browsers, etc).

  3. Hi Jason,

    I am just getting into Blogs.
    I have been learning as much
    as I can about internet marketing
    from Jan of this year.And from
    I have learned it looks like
    Blogging is the way to go.

    Thanks for the information

    Bill Thorn

  4. Hi Jason,

    My name is Shelly. I enjoy writing. I’ve written two magazine articles to be sent for publication. And working on a book.

    I’ve been searching for a online business since 2004. I had a google adsense site setup October 2006 (the site listed above) I’m still waiting to earn money on it though.

    One of my main interests is to set up a Blog. There’s a lot of positive information about blogs. And for what I like to do, I think it would be the best way to go. Plus my budget is very,very low.

    I’m a novice an interested in all the help or advice on getting traffic to a blog or a site, adding links,signature, etc.


    Shelly Woodum

  5. Henry | Niche Blogs

    Niche blogging is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to make money online. It allows you to start your own business without any investment at all, unless you want to pay extra for certain forms of marketing. Follow the below steps to start your own niche blogging empire.

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